Omdat de kerst nu achter de rug is en de kadootjes uitgepakt zijn.

Is het tijd om te laten zien wat ik voor de kerst had gemaakt!
Bij voorbeeld deze twee kalenders die ik gealterd had.
Because christmas is behind us and the presents are all unwrapped.
It's time to show you what I had made for christmas!
For example these two calendars I altered.
It's time to show you what I had made for christmas!
For example these two calendars I altered.

Images: Found online.
Calendars: From the 99cents store.
Papers: DCWV - The Luxury Stack.
Embelishments: Big Bazaar - Roses.
EurolanD - Rhinestones.
Kars - White Pearls.
Eyelets form stash.
Tools: Butterfly punch.
Fiskars - Threading Water border punch.
Martha Stewart - Doily Lace border punch.